A great day to you. My goodness such silly weather we are having these days. Monday it rains and now today we are back to sleet and snow for this afternoon. Feb has been a surprising month. Looking forward to what March has in store for me.
A nice day to make up some chili and having oyster crackers floating in the chili. Yummy in the tummy for a nice winter day. May you have happy moments counting all ones many blessings. Smiles Gloria
A blessed evening to you. Snow has fallen and the air is crisp. Home is toasty warm. Have a very pleasant week enjoying the Christmas season. These days are flying by so fast . Such a glorious time of the year. Smiles Gloria
I am having a breathtaking day today drinking some flavored cinnamon sugar cookie coffee to make my day even more special.
Today the snow is falling on the ground and I just had to go outside and check just what type of snow this will be, angel snow or snowman snow. Suddenly Giggles and a smile came to my face for the snow has a crunching sound to it as one walks in the snow .I Know what that means, snowman snow so I just had to make a snowman to put in the freezer.
I am is having fun playing in the snow and seeing it come down from the sky. Now if I could just catch a snowflake with my tongue.
May you have a very nice day counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria
A blessed Thursday day to you, Sheila. Goodness we are at 36 for the temp for this afternoon . Just got back from running some errands and my goodness it was abit nippy out in the fresh air . Ha Ha , makes one finish the errands quickly and return home for a warm cup of coffee and or tea. Now that fall is with us in our area most of the flowers have been bitten with frost. The flowerbeds have been put to bed until next spring. The beauty of the fall leaves on the trees now give us their breathtaking colors and brings smiles to ones face just looking at the wonder of Autumn. Smiles Gloria
I was in the back yard the other day enjoying autumn all around me. Thought I would share afew pictures with you. Before one knows it the trees will be bare and all the leaves will be on the ground. Then the fun of raking and making huge piles around the yard .Of course one must throw oneself onto the piles and throw all the leaves into the air and giggle, and giggle while one is raking having fun with the enjoyment of fall and all of its glory.
I love how the branches from the silver maple tree swoops down toward the ground like it is trying to cover the ground with a carpet of golden leaves. My , My such beauty given to us from heaven above.
Fall is in the air and I am thrilled. Fall is such pretty season. Do have a blessed moment what ever your doing, for God is in control. Praise the Lord! Smiles Gloria
Have a cup of coffee just brewed for you from me .
Jesus, thank You for dying in my place on the cross! Just like Barabbas, I am the truly guilty and You are the sinless One who demonstrated Your own love for me when You died for me while I was dead in my trespasses and sins. Just as You were…
Heavenly Father, because of Your marvelous grace You commissioned Your Son, Jesus, to die for an ungrateful, unreceptive and hostile people, and that includes me. It's easy to be critical of Peter who so boldly asserted that he would never deny…
Heavenly Father, as I walk in Your truths, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your holy name and heed Your still small voice. Help me to walk uprightly and live more by faith, less by sight so that I don't come to rely only on that which I…
Heavenly Father, as we embrace the cross of Calvary and apply Christ's redemptive blood to our hearts we find newness of life. We are no longer bound by the chains that fettered us to sin. What great liberty and boundless joy to know that our names…
Heavenly Father, we pray for discernment, so that we make wise decisions since You warn us that deceivers have gone out into the world, and if we're not on our guard, we will be taken in by their deceptive ways. As we read Your Word we learn of…
Heavenly Father, like the seven churches in Revelation, we too have strengths and weaknesses, in which we receive Your commendation and need Your correction. We want to be so yielded to Christ that we live for Him and are willing to die for Him. We…
Heavenly Father, how marvelous is Your indescribable grace that You should love a sinner such as I. Though I deserve death You grant eternal life through the death of Your beloved Son, Jesus. I am accepted into Your family, into the sainthood of all…
A great day to you. My goodness such silly weather we are having these days. Monday it rains and now today we are back to sleet and snow for this afternoon. Feb has been a surprising month. Looking forward to what March has in store for me.
A nice day to make up some chili and having oyster crackers floating in the chili. Yummy in the tummy for a nice winter day. May you have happy moments counting all ones many blessings. Smiles Gloria
I am having a breathtaking day today drinking some flavored cinnamon sugar cookie coffee to make my day even more special.
Today the snow is falling on the ground and I just had to go outside and check just what type of snow this will be, angel snow or snowman snow. Suddenly Giggles and a smile came to my face for the snow has a crunching sound to it as one walks in the snow .I Know what that means, snowman snow so I just had to make a snowman to put in the freezer.
I am is having fun playing in the snow and seeing it come down from the sky. Now if I could just catch a snowflake with my tongue.
May you have a very nice day counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria
I was in the back yard the other day enjoying autumn all around me. Thought I would share afew pictures with you. Before one knows it the trees will be bare and all the leaves will be on the ground. Then the fun of raking and making huge piles around the yard .Of course one must throw oneself onto the piles and throw all the leaves into the air and giggle, and giggle while one is raking having fun with the enjoyment of fall and all of its glory.
Have a cup of coffee just brewed for you from me .