Add CSS to Style your profile
/ created by alpana 'Yule Time" */
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( Brief description about yourself )
I'm a 75 year old widow with 2 daughters,5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. God is my #1 Priority.
A great day to you. My goodness such silly weather we are having these days. Monday it rains and now today we are back to sleet and snow for this afternoon. Feb has been a surprising month. Looking forward to what March has in store for me.
A nice day to make up some chili and having oyster crackers floating in the chili. Yummy in the tummy for a nice winter day. May you have happy moments counting all ones many blessings. Smiles Gloria
I am having a breathtaking day today drinking some flavored cinnamon sugar cookie coffee to make my day even more special.
Today the snow is falling on the ground and I just had to go outside and check just what type of snow this will be, angel snow or snowman snow. Suddenly Giggles and a smile came to my face for the snow has a crunching sound to it as one walks in the snow .I Know what that means, snowman snow so I just had to make a snowman to put in the freezer.
I am is having fun playing in the snow and seeing it come down from the sky. Now if I could just catch a snowflake with my tongue.
May you have a very nice day counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria
Have a cup of coffee just brewed for you from me .
Marilyn, thank you for being an encouragement to your brothers and sisters. God Bless