Greetings sister Donna and welcome home to Cross Roads Fellowship. As you will notice, there is a lot to do here on the site. Many posts to read, videos to watch and so on. The first thing I want to mention is to get to the other pages on this site, you have to click on the Menu tab in the top left hand corner. Once you do that, the rest of the tabs will show. There are many groups here and that is where most of the activity will be. I am adding a video to this welcome note that will help you learn the basics of getting started here.
Drop me a note if you need any help.
May the Lord bless you,
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Pinson, AL
January 30
( Brief description about yourself )
72 yr old grandmother met jesus in 1988 still growing
Jesus, thank You for dying in my place on the cross! Just like Barabbas, I am the truly guilty and You are the sinless One who demonstrated Your own love for me when You died for me while I was dead in my trespasses and sins. Just as You were…
Heavenly Father, because of Your marvelous grace You commissioned Your Son, Jesus, to die for an ungrateful, unreceptive and hostile people, and that includes me. It's easy to be critical of Peter who so boldly asserted that he would never deny…
Heavenly Father, as I walk in Your truths, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your holy name and heed Your still small voice. Help me to walk uprightly and live more by faith, less by sight so that I don't come to rely only on that which I…
Heavenly Father, as we embrace the cross of Calvary and apply Christ's redemptive blood to our hearts we find newness of life. We are no longer bound by the chains that fettered us to sin. What great liberty and boundless joy to know that our names…
Heavenly Father, we pray for discernment, so that we make wise decisions since You warn us that deceivers have gone out into the world, and if we're not on our guard, we will be taken in by their deceptive ways. As we read Your Word we learn of…
Heavenly Father, like the seven churches in Revelation, we too have strengths and weaknesses, in which we receive Your commendation and need Your correction. We want to be so yielded to Christ that we live for Him and are willing to die for Him. We…
Heavenly Father, how marvelous is Your indescribable grace that You should love a sinner such as I. Though I deserve death You grant eternal life through the death of Your beloved Son, Jesus. I am accepted into Your family, into the sainthood of all…
Hey Donna I figured out how to post on your wall hehehe.
Welcome home Sis!!! So glad you are here with us!!! I know you will enjoy this site, the fellowship, love and compassion that you will find here!!!
Love ya!!!
Welcome Donna, so happy to see you here, God Bless You dear friend.
Drop me a note if you need any help.
May the Lord bless you,